1. Our first meeting with the Sound designer..."What sort of sound would you like there" Annika answers "For it to sound like the subconscious" (there was a good reason for it as Luke gets hypnotised) a blank look ... ohh subconsicous ......then off we went to deep discussion about film that just get made for the film festivals versus films that are made for people!! (more on that later).
2. One sunny afternoon Annika discovers a strange lump on her behind.... what could it be? A TICK... yes a tick not just any but a special stream of Polish tick....which meant I had to get tested in Poland... see if limes disease was on the cards... and then another 3 weeks to get the results (all clear!!) just another test... as I have a paralytic fear of blood tests!!
3. Sound mixing is a pretty intense expensive step in the process. During that particular period we worked from 6pm to midnight.... no buses after midnight..."what about taxis I hear you say" not so easy... because a taxi is not a taxi is not a taxi... and how many ways can one get shafted? well many really.. so a few times Marcus and I resorted to walking home in the middle of the night or catching the really really bad bus... the broken people with broken dreams bus... avec police!!
4. Then the trip home... we knew the owner of the apartment where we had been living had the keys....and knew that she had been visiting the apartment when we were at work. So Marcus drew on his best tricks form HOW TO BE A SPY book and we would insert clear pieces of plastic in the front door to see if we had visitors. This might sound rather paranoid but at this stage, almost at the end of the 3 months we had 16 500 gig drives with the complete film, all the files. music, camera, equipment, computers...our whole 18 months of work.

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