Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Manifesto for this Blog

I guess this really is the beginning, even thought our journey with this feature film started a couple of years ago. its the beginning because we have decided to make our process of making Belladonna a public adventure. Our film company Glass Kingdom which you can find under www.glasskingdom.com.au has many projects under various stages of development. Our main aim is to improve things, to make stories that are meaningful and that can contribute in a positive way to this wonderful life. Part of our reason to make this whole process as helpful and transparent as possible is because as a company that is working with an 'alternative model of film making' it has been challenging to follow pathways that are usually private or non existent. There must be many film makers, writers producers, out there who are looking at alternative models to fund, make and distribute their films and this is the connection point and a way of tracking this process. We will be hosting all sorts of information form the whole funding phenomenon, to making the film, shooting on the exciting new camera RED and its work flow, to distribution and and general topics related to Belladonna. So I hope our adventure is helpful, exciting and that it offers some insight into the changing world of film making,


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