Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BELLADONNA Episode no 2 Film Secrets

Hello Lovely People!!

Yes we are off on our O/S adventure very very soon!! Cannes here we come!! Lots of people to meet at the market.... no no not the fruit market the FILM MARKET... we will have videos of our adventure so stay tuned!!! I will be on TWITTER with all the up to date details!

So... here is the Second Episode with BOBBY FLYNN the wonderful artist who has contributed some music to the film soundtrack if you want to find out more about him go to

We are a small team here at the BELLADONNA LAND and if you would like to help, these are something you could do!
1. Let other people know about the film...and encourage them to register with us at, as there are 'internal goodies on offer'
2. If you are on FACEBOOK invite others to join us there!! and maybe join yourself
3. Be Happy and do what you love to do!!
4. Suggest ways of letting the whole world knowing about the film.

Over and out from the BELLADONNA LAND